A downloadable FrozHunt for Windows

Hello, I'm delighted to present FrozHunt: a school project carried out in 3 weeks by a team of 7 people.


Imagine, 60,000 years BC, 6 hunters, who have to go out in search of food and survive the disastrous weather conditions of the Ice Age, in order to collect enough food to save their tribe from starvation.


FrozHunt is a card game in which you have to collect food as quickly as possible. 

The cards in FrozHunt are the various events that the hunters will encounter. These events can be enemies to hunt (Enemy cards), advantageous events for the hunters (Bonus cards) or disadvantageous events for the hunters (Malus cards).


To find out how many events the hunters will encounter, players roll the ice dice. The result of this dice determines the number of cards drawn. 1, 2 or 3 events can be drawn.

Once the cards have been drawn, players choose which event they wish to encounter.

If players choose an enemy, they enter combat.

Card details

Here are the details of each card: 

Character card :

Enemy card :


In FrozHunt, battles are dice duels: the winner can attack the loser, and the loser only receives the attack.

To start a dice duel, players must choose one of the characters.

Once the character has been chosen, the combat dice will be rolled.

If the result of the combat dice is greater than or equal to the enemy's power, the character attacks the enemy; otherwise, the enemy attacks the character.

If the players manage to kill their opponent, he gets back as much food as indicated on the card.

Each character has a different skill. To activate the skill, the player must first succeed in his attack. If the attack is successful, there are two ways of activating the skill:
- either by luck, using the critical die and rolling 5 or 6

- or by consuming 1 food point 

or 2 life points, if the players have no food.

Here is the members' itch link : 

Project manager: BASILE Théo https://theo-dono.itch.io/

Lead dev : BOUCHER Arthur https://tututgames.itch.io/

Artistic director :  LANDREAU Paul https://seven207.itch.io/

Developpers :
DESSAINT Enzo https://shenanlgans.itch.io/
LAVAL Mathieu https://luxdum123.itch.io/
MONFUMAT Dorian https://pterooo.itch.io/
MAUSSERVEY Dorian https://wighthood.itch.io/

The project isn't 100% finished, there are a lot of things we'd like to have implemented but haven't had the time. The same goes for bugs : you may come across an unknown bug on our part, so please let us know.


FrozHunt.zip 115 MB


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Awesome game, but I'm so unlucky :'( ...


Skill issue :p